
Friday, 29 August 2014


Fraction Games - Fractions BoosterAn excellent fractions booster activity from BGFL. There are five levels to work through. In level 1 you simply type in the number of children to share the pizza and the pizza will be cut into fractions for you. At Level 2 you drag fractions to complete a fraction wall. In Level 3 you have to count the number of shaded squares and the total number of squares then type in the fraction (use a slash e.g. 1/4). Level 4 introduces a fraction numberline for you to drag the fractions onto. Level 5 uses a pizza to illustrate fraction equivalences.

Friday, 15 August 2014

sumdog soccer

This game taught me my multiplication and a little bit of skills I
liked this game because it can teach you any thing. Next time I want
to play the fractions games.

Friday, 27 June 2014

23/6/14 diary writing

friends we have just reach some island

day 1 we have lunged off to a island with 5 other men. Men keep on rowing until we get there come on  1 more row should do it we're on land there nice sand everywhere  and cut down that tree and mack across with it and i claim this country for the gueen

day 2 men i can see some other men all around our camp site  2 of yous go on guard incase the kill us in our sleep.

day 3 men wake up 1 of our men is missing from gurd look i can see mark it go into the bush our men is at the back of the bush no it too late is dead wait i can hear someone saying pakeha.

day 4 men were are looking for the men that killed one of our men wait we are all in a trap if we move we are going up and going to be trapped no why did you move now they're coming they are here please we come in peace we have gift for you.

day 5 we have found their trip and we are trying to get away but we are surrounded by pakehas we are singlangwig to them we have offered gift to them they accepted our gift and they gave us food

Sunday, 22 June 2014

The mountain that was destroyed

Monday morning david was walking to the bus stop to go to school on the bus  when he was walking to the bus stop he saw the bus going bass him so david ran but by the time he got the bus was gone so he had to walk up the mountain while he was walking up the mountain he heard the volcano erupting so david ran up the mountain when he got to school he told the teacher that the volcano had erupted so they all hopped on the bus.

The teacher told he bus driver to tack them down the mountain on there way down the mountain it lava started to came down so they went back up the mountain they ran back inside david ran to the office and said were the phono so i can call a hollow copter to come.”10 minute later they saw a bout so they climbed down and was on the bout but only a few made it on the bout so the rest had to wait.

Until the volcano was shooting out rocks and david got worried a few minute after that the hollow copter came and all the kid went on the hollow copter with their teacher they said that got lucky.”david said to his friend that he is not going to a island with a volcano again.”

After they came of the hollow copter david step father and mother was waiting for him when they went david called his real father and told him all about what happened and he told his father everything until 8:30 pm then went to sleep.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

how to move a big tree

Walt:write an explanations

A big tree was no longer need so it had to be moved somewhere else

First you cut some of the fronds from the palm tree with a chainsaw so the  palm tree can stay alive.

After that you use paint to mark where they are going to digge. Then you must dig around the tree following the paint mark with a  dig trench because it much easier and faster.

Then they connect the wire  to the digger and the wire lift up the tree. While the digger lift up the palm tree the others put wood on the tree then tied it with a chain  so the chain does not damage the tree.

Then they lift it onto the truck. They put a net on to the fronds.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Caring for planet Earth

Caring for planet Earth

First to keep planet Earth alive you recycle,reuse and reduce It Is always good to recycle paper and cardboard so It can be turned into new paper and  new cardboard then you can use It again.If you recycle milk contains It will be turned into tiles and cardboard.

Secondly to keep planet earth alive you can reuse thing like newspaper so you can use It for art and you can reuse more than one thing and you can reduce.

Lastly reduce Is another way to keep planet earth alive.If you reduce Is a great thing to do because If you don't there will be rubbish taking a lot of space but If you do there will be space to plant something there.

This are three thing you can do to keep planet earth alive It is very important so you must care about planet earth.If no ones  care about planet earth we will all die that why It Is important.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Tanes diary

Tanes diary
Day 1 I am going to leave Hawaii I have packed my food , water and spear I have said goodbye to my wife and I am going with 8 other people we are just waiting for the tide to go out then we will live.

Day 5 I have just reach Samoa for a 3 hour rest I am gathering food because on the way here we lost a lot of food and water we are going we saw some Samoans the were nice we a going to another island.

Day 7 at cook island so far we cannot see any one yet we are going in the forest we saw house with people in side them and they greeted us when we went back our waka was cracked so we went back to the houses they gave us a knew waka that looked great then we left.

Day 12 reached bay island can not see anything but lot of birds the bay of island is a great place I am going to live here for the rest of my life or go for another adventure we grabbed our spears ,food and water to go and see if we can find someone and then make us a pace where we can rest from that long tripe.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

T-ball poams

t-ball 28/5/14
nose toes before throes.

door knocking knuckles the litter v  squash the bug and eye on the ball.

feet apart knees bent hand out bums out

Friday, 23 May 2014

how to make eggs

                                            procedural writing: eggs

The procedural is how to fry eggs

in order to cook eggs you need are butter or oil , eggs , boul , frying pan , plate , pepper , salt , stove and a spatula.

First you have to crack the eggs and put it in a bowl and stir it

next put the frying pan on the stove and turn the stove on when the stove is hot tip the eggs on the frying pan

after that lift a quarter of the egg to see if it ready if the egg is a darkish yellow put that mean it is ready

finally put the egg on a plate the and add pepper or salt then take it to school or eat it up

Monday, 31 March 2014

open letter to St. kents

Glen Innes School
38-40 eastview road
Auckland 1072
28 march 2014

Dear teachers and year 13 sports leadership thank you for bring us to your school thanks for all the sports like cricket,soccer,hockey,rob the nest,Frisbee,touch rugby,softball,relays,rabbit and mouse,zigzag rugby skill.I enjoyed coming to your school it was cool thank you very much for everything. you tote us a lot about sport it was great on the last day we came thank you for the BBQ and letting us in your pool thanks you for everything hope you come to our school.

by sete

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Fiestas new broom


Fifita could not lift his teacher's broom because it was really heavy for him. So he made his own.

First Fifita went and got fronds from the coconut tree to use it. Fifita was a smart boy he pulled of the fronds one at a time.He used the knife to scrape off the liffey bit and used the spine off the frond. Aunty Tesia helped Fifita make the handle.

Then he put the spin on the handle and use the coconut fibre around the spin to hold the fronds together. Then Fifita had finished making his own broom.

When Fifta went to school he sweep his class room floor.