
Saturday, 21 June 2014

how to move a big tree

Walt:write an explanations

A big tree was no longer need so it had to be moved somewhere else

First you cut some of the fronds from the palm tree with a chainsaw so the  palm tree can stay alive.

After that you use paint to mark where they are going to digge. Then you must dig around the tree following the paint mark with a  dig trench because it much easier and faster.

Then they connect the wire  to the digger and the wire lift up the tree. While the digger lift up the palm tree the others put wood on the tree then tied it with a chain  so the chain does not damage the tree.

Then they lift it onto the truck. They put a net on to the fronds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kia Ora Sete
Was it hard to write?How long did it take you to write?
You have a nice explanation I want to do cone like you.Who inspired you to write.

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